A Question that is troubling many scholars:
Why Muhammad PBUH married Ayesha R.A when she was nine years old???
See When you become "baligh" you can marry.
Baligh=menstrual cycle in female and sperm production in male.
Why Muhammad PBUH married Ayesha R.A when she was nine years old???
See When you become "baligh" you can marry.
Baligh=menstrual cycle in female and sperm production in male.
According to Islamic sharia when you become baligh you can marry
i'm a medical doctor and i know some girls have menstrual cycle early in their life.It depends on their physical or emotional changes.Now the world has become a global village we come to know that a girl who is only eight years old start menstrual cycle but in some rare cases it depends on the environment of the country.
Case of Hazrat Ayesha R.A
when we study the life history of Hazrat Ayesha we come to know that she is different from the other girls of her age. She was more intelligent then the girls of her age.That is the reason she had quotated many Hadith Of Holy Prophet Muhammad PBUH.When she married with Muhammad PBUh she was nine years old. And she was "baligh"it was also a rare case
MY Opinion :
When the girl has no problem...Husband has no problem...Parents of the girl are happy...All are happy then why you are taking stress??? Do you have any problem? if yes then you need a Psychiatrist.
JazaKALLAH may ALLAH guide all of yes.
Source :- https://www.facebook.com/zakir.naik.9210
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