"As Salaam Alaykum this is my father. He served in the United States Marine Corp from 1967-1970. He was in the Vietnam War. My father has been there for me my entire life. I remember the day I had converted to Islam, many years ago. He supported my decision fully. I had prayed for many years that my parents would become Muslim's.
My father has many medical conditions from being exposed to Agent Orange during his service. He has lived with my family for the past 9 years. We take care of him around the clock. My husband takes care of my father the same that I do. Anything he needs even helping to bathe him. Mashaa Allah I always believe because no matter what my father was suffering from. He still helped everyone. He would give anything for someone in need. Mashaa Allah.So we are all here to help him and ease his burdens. In shaa Allah. A little over 8 years ago my prayers were answered. My father took his Shahada Mashaa Allah Allah Akbar.
To this day I still get tears rolling down my face when I think of this blessing. My father despite how hard it is for him physically never misses his prayer. No matter in the hospital, Or bed ridden. Mashaa Allah he is always waiting for the prayer to come. I remember growing up my father had not practiced religion. I had the discussion before he converted. Explaining to my father that Allah Subhan wa taala forgives. The war has haunted him like countless other veterans. My father is always eager to see other brothers in the store. Saying As Salaam Alaykum to them. Most of the time they walk past him and say nothing in return. My father wears a Vietnam Veteran Ball cap, and usually a Marine Corp Shirt. I see the smile fade from his face as he does not get a reply sometimes. Unless they see me walk up behind him.
I wanted to use this as a message. I wish that in our communities we do not see differences only that we are all the same. . We have a duty to be kind towards others. Thru that kindness towards my father, he converted to Islam. There is not a dry face on Eid's when he goes to the prayer. What a blessing this is Mashaa Allah. May Allah Subhan wa taala always bless him ameen. We have a duty to be kind to others no matter if they are Muslim or not.We need to be volunteering in our communities to be beside others. Showing them what is Islam. Not what they see on TV." - Eayrs
Source: Revert to Islam fb page