Lt Col Sophia Qureshi : India's First Woman Officer to Lead Indian Army Contingent.

Lt Col Sophia Qureshi has created history by becoming the first Indian woman officer to lead a training contingent of Indian Arm force 18. The Military training exercise was held in Pune, India from March 2 to March 8. This exercise was the Army's biggest ever exercise that witness the participation of 18 Countries including China, Russia, USA and Japan.

5 Lesser known facts about the brave Lt Col Sophia Qureshi.

1. 35 Years old Qureshi was selected from a pool of peacekeeping trainers to lead this contingent.

2. She is an Officer from the Corps of Signals in Indian Army

3. She is a Graduate in Bio- Chemistry and has served in United Nation Peace Keeping Missions.

4. Her Father also served in Indian Army.

5. She was Born and Raised in the State of Gujrat in India.

What an inspiration for the Muslim youth, especially Muslim Girls.

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