How I Found Islam?

A beautiful story of a Sister from Italy, who reverted to Islam. An inspiration for all of us.

Sister Chalida Petrone was born in a Christian family, Her aunt was  theological she influenced her on reading.
She says" On my first communication we had to talk to the priest ,confessing and I felt bad because I was wondering would this priest could do what I couldn't in the relationship between me and Allah swt.I was singing in a chorus in church but watching the pictures of Jesus/Isa (PBUH)on the cross where making me feel uncomfortable. So as a teenager I started to read about religion history.
Old testament/thora ,New testament and than the Story about Prophet Muhammed SAW which lead me to ahadith .The first time I read something that touched my heart and brain.So I was reading more ahadith. Than I started reading Quran.

7 Characteristics of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) that you should Follow.

My heart and mind knew this is it, I felt like I am home. So I called a mosque and made an appointment.When I got there I was nervous it was pretty full because somebody wanted to invite people because she gave birth a view weeks before (a little girl).So we prayed maghrib ,I had to look to see how,I didnt know how,after prayer somebody handed me the mic.
I spoke my shahada and felt so happy,luckily I am Italian and used to kissing because all women kissed and hugged me.That was 10 years ago and it changed my life,I got sick tumors a year ago and my faith the love I have for allah swt keeps me optimistic.
Inshaallah all will be ok soon ,never loose faith allah swt knows we dont!"

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